Language Translation

Books I'm Reading

  • "Surviving the Anointing" by David Ravenhill

Books I've Read

  • "Revival God's Way" by Leonard Ravenhill
  • "Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room" by Kenneth E. Hagin
  • "The Dynamic Duo: The Holy Spirit & You" by Rick Renner

Monday, October 25, 2010

God is God! (And You're Not!!!)

Here's a super quick thought for launching a supernatural children's ministry. Get a grip on the fact that God actually knows what He is doing. God is unwaveringly convinced that you are THE person who has been strategically placed in THE location to minister to THE boys and girls who will launch a mighty revival. In God's understanding, NONE of this is by accident.

Evidently, we aren't too convinced of this fact. Too many of us have a mindset that we are just a temporary fixture in our ministry. We are there until somebody better comes along. With our inadequacies and imperfections, surely we are a roadblock to this move of the Spirit.

Excuses aren't new to God. The Bible is filled with individuals who wanted their list of "facts" to supersede God's assignment. Consider Moses. Moses had his "Top 10 I Can't List". (Exodus 4). God and Moses had two gigantic differing sets of opinions about Moses' capabilities. Then, consider Jeremiah. (Jeremiah 1). Jeremiah knew who he was and became quite vocal in expressing his "facts" to God. In Jeremiah's eyes, he was a person with great limitations. But in reading the first few verses of this chapter, God had a different opinion altogether about Jeremiah.

Consider what I wrote in the first paragraph as being God speaking to you. God actually knows what He is doing. God is unwaveringly convinced that you are THE person who has been strategically placed in THE location to minister to THE boys and girls who will launch a mighty revival. In God's understanding, NONE of this is by accident. So, if this is true (and it is) then start talking and acting like it is true. You'll be amazed at the difference in you and your ministry!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Eliminating Satan's #1 Lie About You & Your Ministry

Help me, Jesus. As usual, there is so much that I want to share with you about the precious Holy Spirit. Space restraints keep me from sharing all that I have bubbling inside of me.

Since our Ignite the Supernatural Conference in Texas, I have received so, so many emails and letters telling of the fruit of the conference. I wish that I could share bits and pieces of all of the testimonies with you. Again, space restraints ... oh, how I hate these limitations. But, I know that if I write too much that I will be taking too much of your valuable time.

Allow me this week to share just a few sentences from one of the emails ... "I gleaned so much, but the biggest thing was a new revelation of the Holy Spirit. At some point, it hit me: the Holy Spirit is my partner! I didn't feel inadequate anymore."

When I read the words "I didn't feel inadequate anymore" I wanted to jump up out of my seat and run around my office. So many people have yet to recognize that the Holy Spirit is abiding within them and is fully equipping them to boldly stand up and demonstrate Heaven's power and authority. There is NO reason for feeling inadequate. This is almost too much for me to handle. I am seriously having trouble containing my excitement about this reality. Once we have a revelation of what both Heaven and Hell already knows to be a fact, we will launch into a whole new arena of ministry. Heaven knows that the Holy Spirit is abiding within us and is anxiously awaiting the opportunity to partner together with us to see the will of God manifest in our services and children. Hell is terrified of children's ministry leaders discovering that the Comforter (Amplified Translation - Counselor, Helper, Advocate, Intercessor, Strengthener, Standby) is abiding within us. This revelation will cause fear and timidity to become a thing of the past.

Take a couple of minutes and read and reread the testimony given above. Allow their revelation to become your revelation. And then join me. I can't help it. I'm through writing. I've got to release some of this excitement by doing some running and shouting and rejoicing!!!

Monday, October 11, 2010

I Will Not Be Denied!

We all know that God longs to move mightily among our children. It is an indisputable fact that God wants to pour out His Spirit upon each and every child in our ministry. Because of scriptures like Isaiah 44:3, Joel 2:28, Acts 2:17, 39, this isn't even open for discussion! If this is true (and we know that it is), then why aren't we seeing this in our services? Why isn't there a widespread outpouring of God's Spirit in our services?

I answered this question at our Ignite the Supernatural Conference last week when I spoke in a general session on the subject "I Will Not Be Denied". In Mark 10 we read a very familiar story, the account of Jesus healing blind Bartimaeus. Before telling of Bartimaeus in that service, I shared an insight of what happened before the two connected. In verse 46, Mark records that the great Miracle Maker went to Jericho. Common sense would tell us that Jericho was just like any other city. It was FULL of needs. Like every other city, it had the lame, blind, possessed, etc. But notice this. After stating that Jesus went to Jericho, Mark immediate says "and as He went out of Jericho ..." From this passage, we can see that nothing happened in Jericho. No blind were healed. No lame began to run. Not a single deaf person received their hearing. It was a great big ZERO for Jericho.

To save time, let's fast forward and look at Bartimaeus. Bartimaeus' encounter with Jesus was far from being a big ZERO. What was the difference? Rather than spend paragraph upon paragraph stating the obvious, please take a couple of minutes to read of this miracle. Even though you know this story, look at it again with fresh eyes. Allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate Bartimaeus' desperation.

Let's bring this home. I am convinced that week in and week out in our services Jesus comes by to show that He is in the room. And yet He comes and then He leaves with no evidence of Him being present. Again, a great big ZERO! I trust that the person reading this blog entry wants to interrupt the travel plans of the Miracle Maker. There has to be someone (that's you) who will put their desperation on display. There has to be someone who can't be quieted by peers and religious tradition. This person who stops Jesus’ has a determination that they won't be denied.

Is that someone you? Come on and join me. Let's throw our dignity to the side and cry even louder for the Son of David to stop and do what only He can do. Let's put our desperation on display in our private times with God. Let's push aside tradition and passionately show our desperation in our services. This is the generation for a mighty outpouring of God's Spirit and WE WILL NOT BE DENIED!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Seeing Things God's Way!

Just a quick thought this week that will serve as a much needed reminder. Here's the thought ...

Look at the children in your ministry through God's eyes!

It is easy to gain the mentality that you and I are walking into just another service ministering to the same kids week after week. It's another week of the same ol', same ol'. Am I right? We both know that you and I are guilty of doing this, right?

We need to look at the children through God's eyes. We have sitting in front of us giant slayers (like David). We have the privilege of speaking into the lives of children who have been placed in key positions to change the lives of adults and leaders (like Naaman's handmaiden). Sitting in our midst are boys and girls who have received gifts that can impact the lives of thousands (like the boy who gave Jesus his lunch). I can assure you that no adult saw much in the lives of any of the children that I've mentioned. But, in God's eyes, these were children who were chosen to make an impact.

So, is it just another service? Nope. Through God's eyes, I see that it is another opportunity to launch children into their destinies!
