Language Translation

Books I'm Reading

  • "Surviving the Anointing" by David Ravenhill

Books I've Read

  • "Revival God's Way" by Leonard Ravenhill
  • "Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room" by Kenneth E. Hagin
  • "The Dynamic Duo: The Holy Spirit & You" by Rick Renner

Monday, September 27, 2010

Gross Out Saturday

I love being a Children's Pastor. I love the volunteer staff who faithfully work alongside us and the hundreds of children entrusted to our care.

Allow me to use this week's blog to show a short video clip about an annual event that is by far our kid's favorite Saturday of the year. It is called Gross Out Saturday. It is through events like this I am able to connect with my kids. Connectibility rarely happens from a pulpit. It is through Gross Out Saturdays and Phat Sats and Ten Buck Tuesdays that I gain their love and trust which enables me to speak into their lives and see God begin to move among them. Enjoy the video clip!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Making Room for the Supernatural

Here's a powerful thought for this week ... are you making room for the supernatural working of the Holy Spirit in your ministry each week? Too often, the Holy Spirit sits waiting for an opportunity to squeeze into your schedule and rarely given the opportunity to fulfill the will of the Father.

I can't and won't debate that God is sovereign and can do anything that He wants, when He wants. But, in reading the scriptures, I find this to be a fact. God manifests His presence, He shows that He is in the room, when we become a part of the equation by getting involved by making room for Him.

The account of the Shunamite woman in 2 Kings 4 shows the importance of building or making room for the supernatural. You know the story. I don't have to remind you that it was because of her care for Elisha through first feeding him and then later building a room upon her house for Elisha that prepared the place for the resurrection of her dead son.

I challenge you to read the story. Read how her actions opened the door for the supernatural. Then, look at your ministry through fresh eyes. Are you preparing for Him to show up? Have you made room in your service schedule? Have you made room in yourself? Have you made room in the heavenlies? Have you made room in your children?

There is much to share on this subject. Perhaps in future blogs I can break it down further. Or, better yet, come to our Ignite the Supernatural Conference being held in Las Colinas (Irving), Texas on September 30 - October 2 where I'll be teaching a workshop titled "Making Room for the Supernatural". It's not too late to register. Check it out at

Monday, September 13, 2010

I've Got a Secret

I admit it. I am a game show fanatic. Always have been, always will be. I could possibly live with the Game Show Network being my one and only channel on my Directv. (If I were more spiritual, I'd throw in GodTV, Daystar, and TBN.) I can’t imagine life without Wheel of Fortune, Family Feud (the original with Richard Dawson), Hollywood Squares, Press Your Luck, Name that Tune, ... I could go on and on.

Whether they know it or not, many children's ministry leaders must be game show fanatics. Each week they are doing their own version of the classic game show, I've Got a Secret. Do you remember this show? In this game, one or more contestants would enter. After introducing the contestant, the host would ask them to "whisper your secret to me, and we'll show it to the folks at home." The contestant would then whisper their secret to the host while the audience and viewers were shown the secret via text overlay on the screen. Then the host would give the panel a clue, for example, "The secret concerns something that happened to [Contestant's Name]." The host would then select a panelist to begin questioning. The panelists would then be allowed 15 seconds to ask questions of the contestant. After the questioning, the panelists would attempt to guess the contestant's secret. Following the revelation of a guest's secret, either by guessing or by the host's revelation once the game was over, the host typically either interviewed the contestant about their secret, or, if applicable, the contestant did some kind of demonstration of their secret.

Are you leading one of those I've Got a Secret children's ministries? In all probability, your children are full of questions. They have yet to hear you announce your true identity. When was the last time that your children heard you declare that you are a Holy Ghost person? Do they really know what your passion is and where you desire the ministry to be?

Let’s eliminate the I’ve Got a Secret mentality. Begin to continually, boldly declare who we are and what we are doing. Let’s make it known that we are a children’s ministry anointed, empowered, and led by the Holy Spirit … both in our services and when we walk through the front doors to return to our individual worlds. As the “secret” is revealed, your children and ministry will never ever be the same again!

Monday, September 6, 2010

Activating Revival

I'm so excited. I see a genuine hunger for a revival in children's ministries. Children's ministries leaders around the world are desiring a move of God in their children. They are so dissatisfied with seeing their children sitting week after week untouched by the Holy Spirit. These leaders are desperately longing to see Holy Ghost interruptions in their services that will radically impact their boys and girls.

Let me share a simple truth that will change longing into seeing. Here's the truth ... the Holy Spirit is far more desirous of moving among your children than you are. Did you get that? If the Holy Spirit had His way, the Book of Acts would be retold through the lives of each and every child in your ministry TODAY!

So, if this is true (and it is!), then what is the hold up? What needs to happen to activiate this move of God?

The answer is found in Genesis 1. In this chapter, we find that the Holy Spirit had been hovering (sitting patiently, idly) over chaos (does this describe your ministry?). "The earth was a shapeless, chaotic mass, with the Spirit of God brooding over the dark vapors." Genesis 1:2 (The Living Bible). For ions, nothing had happened. Chaos prevailed. But notice when things changed. Upon HEARING a voice DECLARING the will of God, the Holy Spirit IMMEDIATELY changed His modus operandi and begin to move supernaturally. Within a nano-second of HEARING the Word of God, things changed.

Here is my challenge to you. If you truly long for a move of God, changes must be made. Too often, we talk about a move of God being off in the future. SOMEDAY or ONE DAY never comes. Instead, begin to use your VOICE and BOLDLY DECLARE that "TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost. TODAY is the day for a mighty move of God's Spirit. TODAY is the day for salvation, for healing, for deliverance, for ... In THIS service, Holy Spirit, be Yourself. Move mightily, undeniably TODAY among our children." Upon HEARING you SPEAK forth the Word of God, the Holy Spirit who has been sitting patiently, idly waiting will spring into action.

SPEAK God's Word OUT LOUD so that HEARING is involved. Heaven will hear your voice and spring into action. You will hear your voice and faith will arise. Hell will hear your voice and begin to tremble. Continually DECLARE that "TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost!" and as you do the thing that you have longed for will manifest before your eyes.
