Language Translation

Books I'm Reading

  • "Surviving the Anointing" by David Ravenhill

Books I've Read

  • "Revival God's Way" by Leonard Ravenhill
  • "Tongues: Beyond the Upper Room" by Kenneth E. Hagin
  • "The Dynamic Duo: The Holy Spirit & You" by Rick Renner

Monday, March 26, 2012

The Ten Commandments of the Supernatural #6

Are you longing for the supernatural move of God's Spirit to invade your services? Are you ready to see children who flow with the Holy Spirit? If you are one of these people, I ask you to read and then reread today's blog entry. This commandment is vital for those who desire to escape the natural and begin to flow in the supernatural. Let's get into the next of our Ten Commandments of the Supernatural.

Commandment #6 Thou Shalt Use Your Voice
When I first started in the ministry there was a phrase included in most wedding ceremonies that I conducted that just isn't used any more. Towards the end of the ceremony, as the officiating minister I would say, "If there is anyone present that objects to this wedding, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." If there were no objections, it was concluded that everyone was content with the marriage proceeding and then I would pronounce the couple man and wife.

Here is one observation that I've made concerning moves of God. Those who see a move of God are noisy people. Sitting back and just watching the proceeding continue unchallenged just isn't tolerated. Holy Ghost people have come to terms with the reality that mental discontent isn't enough. Someone has got to stand up and begin to use their voice to declare aloud what God has promised concerning the outpouring and moving of His precious Spirit upon THIS generation.

Be assured that isn't an exercise in futility. As we stand and interrupt the "ceremonies" by speaking God's Word, we:
1. Notify heaven that we see the way things are and are reminding them of their promises. The sound of God's Word going into the heavenlies causes the Spirit of God to take action!
2. Cause faith to arise within ourselves. Why? Because faith comes by HEARING (not thinking). When we speak aloud the promises of God, faith swells up on the inside of us and causes us to boldly begin to act upon what we hear!
3. Serve notice on the enemy and remind him that it is a new day. TODAY is the day of the Holy Ghost. His days of causing complacency and spiritual-lite services are over. TODAY is a day for the supernatural and the first course of business for the supernatural is to serve a no trespassing order to Satan and his imps!

Let me ask you the (modified) question that I used to say in the marriage ceremony ... "If there is anyone present that objects to the services that you've been having, let them speak now or forever hold their peace." Come on. Stand to your feet right now and begin to make some noise!

See you next week with Commandment #7.

Monday, March 19, 2012

The Ten Commandments of the Supernatural #5

I love it. I love connecting each week with people who have come to the decision that being filled with and flowing together with the Holy Spirit is NOT an option but rather a necessity. I love to explain this dependency with this illustration. In purchasing a new car, the window sticker will list items included in the price of the car. In one column, the manufacturer will list the basics of the car. In another column, there is a list of optional features such as satellite radio or a built in navigational system. While the satellite radio and navigational systems are nice, the reality is the car will function with or without these additional features. But there are items listed on the window sticker that are have-to haves. For example, having an engine is a necessity, not an optional add-on. Having a steering wheel is a necessity, not an optional add-on. Without these, the car just can't function. The same is true in my life concerning the Holy Spirit. I have come to understand that I just can't function without Him. And, I believe that this is true for you. Otherwise you would not be reading this blog right now!

Let's get back to our Ten Commandments of the Supernatural and examine the fifth commandment.

Commandment #5
Thou Shalt Minister in Boldness and Authority
I am constantly amazed at the mealy-mouthed, namby-pamby presentation of the gospel given by children's workers. While there is a place for fun and excitement in the delivery of the Good News, this can't be to the exclusion of a Holy Ghost-filled, power-packed, no-holds-barred expectation for God to show up and demonstrate His presence by His Holy Spirit. Often, prayers are perfunctory. The prayers are just a part of the check-off list of what has to be done. Altar calls are quick and meaningless. In many classrooms and children's church services, ministry has been reduced to being an information presentation void of any power to back up what has been given.

How should our ministry be conducted? Well, let's go back to the example provided. I challenge you to take time this week and reread the Gospels and the Book of Acts. There was nothing mealy-mouth, namby-pamby about Jesus' ministry in the Gospels and the ministry of the believers in the Book of Acts. With authority and boldness, the Good News was taught and demonstrated. They taught. They demonstrated. And, it wasn't with a cowardly, iffy-type delivery. With boldness and confidence they preached, they prayed, and they saw God show up!

One of the greatest revelations that we can receive is that when you and I stand up to minister, we aren't standing in front of children as just a mere human being. We are representatives of the most high God. We are His means of seeing His will and desires manifest. We are His spokesmen. We are empowered with His full authorization to act in His stead in the affairs of this world.

What has God given to us to enable us to be His representatives? First of all, we have God Himself living on the inside of us. He is not afar off. He is residing on the inside of us. We have His almighty, powerful His Word abiding within us. We have His precious Holy Spirit abiding within us. His host of ministering angels are awaiting the sound of our voice. What more do you need?

Consider this ... Being mealy-mouthed and namby-pamby shows that we haven't recognized who we are and who is abiding within us. Come on. Let's stand in front of our ministry assignments with boldness. Let's stand in His authority. Let's speak and know that all of Hell is shaking. Let's pray and know that God is awaiting an opportunity to respond. Let's lay hands upon the sick and KNOW that they will be healed. Let's be bold and confident because we KNOW that we are the representatives of the most high God!

See you next week for Commandment #6.

Monday, March 12, 2012

The Ten Commandments of the Supernatural #4

There is so much to share in this week's commandment that I can't afford to use space for a lengthy introduction. So, let's jump right in.

Commandment#4 Thou Shalt Prepare for Where You Want to Go
Many people approach children's ministry with an attitude reflected in the song made famous by Doris Day "Que Sera, Sera". The words of the song's chorus are ...

Que Sera, Sera,
Whatever will be, will be,
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera, Sera,
What will be, will be.

While I don't claim to be a prophet, I will prophesy to those with this mentality. At best, where you are today is where you will be next month and next year and five years down the road. The worst case scenario is that you will wind up in a place where you would never want to be. This is seen by those floating in a river. On a calm day, you can spend hours floating in the same place. When there is a current, you will float in the direction of the flow of the waters. Those who want to be at a certain destination are not floaters. They won't have a que sera, sera mentality. Instead, they are persons of decision and action.

Commandment #4 is vital to those who refuse to stay where they are today. First, there is a conclusion and resolve that where you are today is not the place where you will be in the days to come. This decision will necessitate action on your part. (Side note ... the reason for the action being on your part is that heaven has already determined that it wants to invade your service and children. Heaven is waiting upon you to take action!) This action begins with you preparing for where you want to go.

This preparation is three-fold. Because of lack of space, I will capsulize the thoughts and ask you to ask the Holy Spirit to expound and enlarge on the following few sentences.
  1. Prepare Yourself in the Word. Know what the Word says about the Person and works of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit hasn't changed. How He manifested Himself through Jesus' ministry in the Gospels and the newborn Church in the Book of Acts is how He wants to manifest Himself through you today! (Side note ... stay in the Word. This will keep you from having false doctrine and getting goofy and weird.)
  2. Prepare Your Children Through Teaching. If you want to have a Holy Ghost church, prepare the way through the teaching. Teach on who He is, what He does, how that He loves to reveal His presence and power. Focus your teaching upon where you want to go. (Side note ... remember to be age appropriate. Give child-size portions in each teaching. Don't overwhelm or overload.)
  3. Prepare Your Staff. They can't flow with you if they haven't connected to you. Don't assume that they know where you want to go. The two important steps to having your staff work together is ... Reveal and Congeal. Share your vision and passion (reveal) and then bring the team on board by solidifying (congeal) how that each and every team member can make this happen.
See you next week with Commandment #5.

Monday, March 5, 2012

The Ten Commandments of the Supernatural #3

Before I share the third commandment, allow me to thank you for reading this blog. I know that your life is so, so busy and there are many things beckoning for your time. I am so honored that you allow me week after week to speak into your life and ministry. Thank you for being a part of a readership that literally blankets the world. Right now, individuals in Egypt, Israel, Spain, the United Kingdom, Bosnia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, India, Jamaica, France, Nigeria, Russia, Japan, Austria, Pakistan, Kenya, Finland, Australia, and a host of other countries are joining with you in this pursuit of ushering in a move of the Holy Spirit in their children and ministries.

And now, back to what you've come to this blog to read.

Commandment #3 Thou Shalt Connect with the Holy Spirit
In sharing this teaching in Charismatic/Pentecostal conferences, I am embarrassed to mention this commandment. A person would think that this commandment wouldn't be needed. After all, I am speaking to individuals who are part of denominations or movements that do or have placed an emphasis on the Holy Spirit. But, as we all know, just because we go into a McDonald's restaurant it doesn't make us a Happy Meal. Going into water doesn't make us a fish. So, going to and/or working in a Holy Spirit church doesn't make us a person of the Spirit.

Here is the reason for this commandment. In the life of the typical children's ministry leader or worker, if there is any connection throughout the week or in the service between the Holy Spirit and the leader or worker, it is a brief connect or mention in the opening prayer. I wish that this wasn't true ... but sadly, it is the truth. He is almost an afterthought or Someone provided an honorable mention as a courtesy as the service gets underway. With this type of relationship, you can rest assured that outside of an act of God's mercy, week after week the children will experience a lifeless, powerless, anemic classroom experience.

Do yourself a favor and write the following statement in the back of your Bible. The revelation of the Spirit is proportional to the relationship with the Spirit. In other words, the level of His manifestation or His demonstration is proportional to the level of connection. The revelation of His presence in public is directly linked to the level of intimacy in private. The greater the intimacy, the greater the power. This was demonstrated in Jesus' ministry. It was through His pulling away from the masses to have time for communing with the Spirit that enabled Him to flow in the supernatural.

There is so much that I could add as I share about this commandment but space won't allow it. Let me close with this thought. The routine of life will always squeeze time for communing with the Spirit out of your day. Become intentional. Become disciplined. Let go of the lesser so that you can make time for the greater. Make time to connect throughout your day for an intimate relationship with the Holy Spirit. In doing so, He will begin to manifest Himself in you and through you in ways that you never thought were possible.

See you next week with Commandment #4.
